国立新美術館1F, B1
Following the last year’s perfect bowl exhibition, this year SFT is presenting the exhibition of middle-sized plates.
Here you will find a plate ideally suited to your late night supper when you want to be sure to eat just a healthy amount!
And for a buffet dinner with friends, they are just the right size plates to ensure there will be enough to go around!
Enjoy the plates designed by five rising artists and made using a variety of techniques.
Text : Yoshitaka Haba (BACH)
“人と人とをつなぐコミュニケーションツールとしてのアクセサリー”を創る、Q-pot.。 2002年のブランド設立以来、世界中の“笑顔”を思い浮かべながらアクセサリーを創り続けてきたQ-pot.デザイナー、ワカマツタダアキ。 ——自分が楽しいものを身に着けると、人に伝えたくなる。着けているアクセサリーを見て、人が話しかける。そうすることによって、“笑顔”が広がっていく・・・。—— Q-pot.のアクセサリーには、そんな願いが込められています。 今回の展示では、これまで多くの“Sweet Story”を生み出したQ-pot.アクセサリーのアーカイブや、Q-pot.とアーティストMEGのコラボレーションから生まれた“Whip Sisters”を紹介。甘くて美味しいひとときを、どうぞご賞味ください。
Q-pot. is an accessory brand that connects people. Since its establishment in 2002, Q-pot.’ s designer Tadaaki WAKAMATSU has created accessories that make people smile around the world.Each accessory is unique. It makes people want to talk about it, and a chain of smiles will spread.Creating a chain of smiles is the concept of the brand.The exhibition ‘Sweet Story’ will feature a collection of Q-pot. accessories. New characters ‘Whip Sisters’ which were created in collaboration with the singer MEG will be shown as well.Please enjoy and have a sweet time.
KIKATSU Collection from Kimura Glass
KIKATSU is a collection of cocktail glasses designed by Kimura Glass in-house designer, SAEGUSA Shizuyo. These glasses, made with blowing or cutting techniques, are produced by skilled artisans in the Kimura Glass factory in downtown Tokyo, and are a fusion of traditional Japanese glass making technology and contemporary design. The glasses are so thin and light that people are often mistaken for plastic, they are however made from glass and this becomes obvious when you drink from them. The detailed designs cut in to the glasses were inspired by European antique glassware. Made in Tokyo, this collection is exported to various countries around the world. The exhibition at SFT will feature 115 different designs.
スーベニアフロムトーキョーは宣言します。こんな内向きで不景気な今だからこそ、日々の所作を大切にしたい!と。そこで、まずはハンカチ。どこか気恥ずかしかったり、しち面倒くさかったりするハンカチの携帯。昔はしていたけれど最近は…という方も多いはずです。けれど、手を抜けることだからこそ、小さな礼儀で他人を想うこと。そして、折り目のくっきりした綺麗なハンカチを持って、折り目正しい毎日を丁寧に過ごすことから、何事も始まってゆく気がしませんか?つらい汗も鼻水も嬉しい涙も、全部ぬぐって新しい毎日へと進んでゆくために。5人のクリエイターの協力を得て、東京をテーマに、ハンカチ専門店H TOKYOとつくった15種のハンカチーフ。これらが、あなたに幸せを運ぶトーキョーのハンカチになってくれることを、私たちは切に願っています。
>Handkerchiefs from Tokyo by SFT In these very difficult times, we think it’s little things that can help make daily challenges bit easier to face. In Japan, every mother makes sure her child never leaves home without a bright, new handkerchief, a tradition that many of us as adults no longer make the time for. We think a crisp new handkerchief, with a dose of nostalgia, is just the thing to help you through the long humid summer of this difficult year. In collaboration with 5 designers and H TOKYO, a store specializing in handkerchiefs, we have made 15 new handkerchiefs with a theme of Tokyo.
Text : Yoshitaka Haba (BACH)
企画 祥見知生
Handmade by Setsuro Ono 18th March – 20th April
SFT will show a selection of work by artist and craftsman, Setsuro Ono. Setsuro’s books contain his simple and humorous sketches of everyday objects and detail some of the processes behind his work which is all hand made. We will also show a selection of his work such as wooden spoons, clay figurines and lacquered hairpins decorated with antique glass beads. It is said that the gentle touch Ono gives his work is what makes him so popular.
Planning : Tomoo Shoken
The Mobile first appeared in the art world as part of the new artistic concept of Kinetic Art. Artists such as Marcel Duchamp and Alexander Calder expressed ideas of both space and time through the movement of their mobiles. The Frames designed by Fujishiro are heavily influenced by the works of such artists but exhibit a more graphical touch. With the use of transparant strings, the frames appear to be floating and cast interesting and ever changing shadows around them. For the exhibition at SFT Gallery, Fujishiro has made 5 special limited edition mobiles.