国立新美術館1F, B1
SFT will show the Chew Chew Shade by Shimizu Hisakazu made from popsicles. People are surrounded by things both ordinary and special and many such familiar things live in the depths of our memories. Using such object, Shimizu looks to provoke and share memories and breathe new life into one of those things we have all loved, bringing a new consciousness of its simple beauty.
1964 | 長崎県諫早市生まれ Born in Isahaya city, Nagasaki Prefecture |
1984 | 桑沢デザイン研究所 インダストリアルデザイン科卒業 Graduated from Industrial Design Course, Kuwasawa Design College |
1989 | キヤノン株式会社入社 Entered Canon Inc. |
1993 | 「PARCO URBANART#2」《「電気のひも」とバトン、チューペット》 タナカノリユキ賞受賞 Received Tanaka Noriyuki Prize at PARCO URBANART #2 for "Leads", Batons & Chewpets |
1994 | 「第6回あかりのオブジェ展」(岐阜市)《チューチューシャンデリア》 日比野克彦賞受賞 Received Hibino Katsuhiko Prize at 6th Exhibition of Objet d'art Lights(Gifu City) for Chew-Chew Chandelier |
1995 | Canon CLC800(デジタルカラー複写機)、ドイツiF1995賞受賞 Received iF Product Design Award 1995 (Germany) for digital colour copying machine Canon CLC 800 |
1997 | 個展「愛のバッドデザイン展」開催(東京、リビングデザインギャラリー) Solo exhibition: "Lovable Bad Design" (Living Design Gallery, Tokyo) |
1998 | SABO STUDIO活動開始(東京) Established SABO STUDIO (Tokyo) |
1999 | 東京デザイナーズウイーク「デザインプレミオ」にて《アイスのさじ》GRAND PREMIO賞受賞。同時にMarutomi賞、 MAio-Gusse賞、 Fran fran賞、カッシーナ・インターデコール賞を受賞 Received the GRAND PREMIO Prize, Marutomi prize, MAio-Gusse Prize, Franfran Prize and Cassina /Inter-D or Prize at Tokyo Designer's Week "Design Premio" for Ice Cream Spoon |
2001 | デザイン誌『AXIS』(株式会社アクシス)に連載開始「MADE IN PEOPLE―日常の佇まい」(vol.89~94)「メードインピープル―愛のバッドデザイン」(vol.95~118) Started serial column "MADE IN PEOPLE-Appearance of Daily Life"(vol.89-94),"MADE IN PEOPLE-Lovable Bad Design"(vol.95-118) in the design and architectual magazine "AXIS" |
2003 | Canon IXY DIGITAL 400グッドデザイン賞受賞 Received Good Design Award(hosted by Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization) for digital still camera Canon IXY DIGITAL 400 |
2004 | 第12回桑沢賞受賞 Received 12th Kuwasawa Prize ( hosted by Kuwasawa Design School) |
2005 | Canon IXY DIGITAL 600、Canon IXY DIGITAL L3ドイツiF賞2006、グッドデザイン賞受賞 Received Good Design Award and iF Product Design Award 2006 (Germany) for digital still camera Canon IXY DIGITAL 600 and Canon IXY DIGITAL L3 |
2006 | 「Furniture Mode Ex.」展出品(ギャラリー スピークフォー) Joined "Furniture Mode Ex." ( Gallery Speak for, Tokyo) |
2007 | 「デザイン希望峰」展出品(長崎県美術館)Canon IXY DIGITAL 10グッドデザイン賞受賞 Joined "Design: Peak of Good Hope"( Nagasaki Prefectual Art Museum,) Received Good Design Award for digital still camera Canon IXY DIGITAL 10 |